Part Time Gardener
A knowledgeable part time gardener is sought for a 3 acre garden surrounding a farmhouse near Maiden Bradley. We have developed the garden over the last 25 years and it has a beautiful new water feature, parterre, rose garden, wildflower meadows, orchard and very small vegetable garden. We opened for the National Garden Scheme last year.
We are looking for someone with an excellent understanding of plants and diseases. You will need to look after herbaceous borders, prune a range of roses, fruit trees, hedge trimming and do a small amount of mowing. The majority of the mowing is done by the owner. We would love to employ someone who is able to make suggestions as to how we can enhance the garden.
Ideally we are looking for a part time gardener who can work for 2 days per week.
This private advert is being managed directly by the employer. English Country Gardeners are not involved in the hiring process and are therefore unable to share any additional information on this role. If you have any questions regarding this position, the best course of action is to apply for the job which will open a line of communication with the employer.
If you would like to view more information on the Professional Gardeners Guild, please click here and the Royal Horticultural Society, please click here
For more gardener roles please click here
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